
Here you will learn to

  • create summary tables using the group_by, summarise and spread commands
  • create scatter plots using ggplot and geom_point
  • run simple regression models using lm
  • apply heteroskedastic robust inference on regression coefficients
  • display regression results

Preparing your workfile

We add the basic libraries needed for this week’s work:

library(tidyverse)    # for almost all data handling tasks
library(readxl)       # to import Excel data
library(ggplot2)      # to produce nice graphics
library(AER)          # to calculate robust regression standard errors
library(stargazer)    # to produce nice results tables

We will also use one function saved in a .r file. The function in this file will be explained below. This file is available for download from here: stargazer_HC.R.

You should save this files into your working directory. You can then this functions available to your code using this line.

source("stargazer_HC.r")  # includes the robust regression display

Data Context

The example we are using here is taken from the CORE - Doing Economics resource. In particular we are using Project 8 which deals with international data on well-being. The data represent several waves of data from the European Value Study (EVS). A wave means that the same survey is repeated at regular intervals (waves). You will learn more about the variables included in that dataset below.

Importing Data

The data have been prepared as demonstrated in the Doing Economics Project 8, up to and including Walk-Through 8.3. Please have a look at this to understand the amount of data work required before an empirical analysis can begin. The datafile is saved as an R data structure (WBdata.Rdata). Download the file and ensure that it is in your working directory.

str(wb_data)  # prints some basic info on variables
## tibble [129,515 × 19] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##  $ S002EVS    : chr [1:129515] "1981-1984" "1981-1984" "1981-1984" "1981-1984" ...
##  $ S003       : chr [1:129515] "Belgium" "Belgium" "Belgium" "Belgium" ...
##  $ S006       : num [1:129515] 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 ...
##  $ A009       : num [1:129515] 3 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 ...
##  $ A170       : num [1:129515] 9 9 3 9 9 9 9 10 8 10 ...
##  $ C036       : num [1:129515] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ C037       : num [1:129515] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ C038       : num [1:129515] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ C039       : num [1:129515] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ C041       : num [1:129515] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ X001       : chr [1:129515] "Male" "Male" "Male" "Female" ...
##  $ X003       : num [1:129515] 53 30 61 60 60 19 38 39 44 76 ...
##  $ X007       : chr [1:129515] "Single/Never married" "Married" "Separated" "Married" ...
##  $ X011_01    : num [1:129515] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ X025A      : chr [1:129515] NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ Education_1: num [1:129515] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ Education_2: chr [1:129515] NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ X028       : chr [1:129515] "Full time" "Full time" "Unemployed" "Housewife" ...
##  $ X047D      : num [1:129515] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...

You can create .RData objects yourselves by saving your Environment. In this case all the objects in your environment will be saved and you can re-upload them as above using the load function. This is how this datafile has been created.

Checking your environment you will see two objects. Along the proper datafile (wb_data) you will find wb_data_Des which contains some information for each of the variables. It will help us to navigate the obscure variable names.

##          Names                   Labels
## 1      S002EVS                 EVS-wave
## 2         S003           Country/region
## 3         S006        Respondent number
## 4         A009                   Health
## 5         A170        Life satisfaction
## 6         C036                  Work Q1
## 7         C037                  Work Q2
## 8         C038                  Work Q3
## 9         C039                  Work Q4
## 10        C041                  Work Q5
## 11        X001                      Sex
## 12        X003                      Age
## 13        X007           Marital status
## 14     X011_01       Number of children
## 15       X025A                Education
## 16 Education_1       Education category
## 17 Education_2    Education Description
## 18        X028               Employment
## 19       X047D Monthly household income
##                                                                                              Description
## 1                                                                                               EVS-wave
## 2                                                                                         Country/region
## 3                                                                             Original respondent number
## 4                                             State of health (subjective), 1 = Very Poor, 5 = Very good
## 5                                                                            Satisfaction with your life
## 6                   To develop talents you need to have a job, 1 = Strongly Agree, 5 = Strongly Disagree
## 7  Humiliating to receive money without having to work for it, 1 = Strongly Agree, 5 = Strongly Disagree
## 8                           People who don't work become lazy, 1 = Strongly Agree, 5 = Strongly Disagree
## 9                              Work is a duty towards society, 1 = Strongly Agree, 5 = Strongly Disagree
## 10    Work should come first even if it means less spare time, 1 = Strongly Agree, 5 = Strongly Disagree
## 11                                                                                                   Sex
## 12                                                                                                   Age
## 13                                                                                        Marital status
## 14                                             How many children you have-deceased children not included
## 15                                                    Educational level respondent: ISCED-code one digit
## 16                                                                      Educational ISCED-code one digit
## 17                                                                           Education level description
## 18                                                                                     Employment status
## 19                                        Monthly household income (? 1,000), corrected for ppp in euros

As you can see there are a number of interesting questions in this dataset. These questions will allow us to investigate whether attitudes to work differ between coountries and whether such differences correlate to different levels of self-reported happiness/life satisfaction.

Details on the variables are available from here.

Initial data analysis and summary statistics

It is important that you, before you embark on any regression analysis, understand your data. Let us investigate some of the features of this dataset. It has 129515 observations and 19 variables. Let’s see which countries are represented in our dataset.

unique(wb_data$S003)   # unique finds all the different values in a variable
##  [1] "Belgium"            "Canada"             "Denmark"           
##  [4] "France"             "Germany"            "Iceland"           
##  [7] "Ireland"            "Italy"              "Malta"             
## [10] "Netherlands"        "Norway"             "Spain"             
## [13] "Sweden"             "Great Britain"      "United States"     
## [16] "Northern Ireland"   "Austria"            "Bulgaria"          
## [19] "Czech Republic"     "Estonia"            "Finland"           
## [22] "Hungary"            "Latvia"             "Lithuania"         
## [25] "Poland"             "Portugal"           "Romania"           
## [28] "Slovakia"           "Slovenia"           "Croatia"           
## [31] "Greece"             "Russian Federation" "Turkey"            
## [34] "Albania"            "Armenia"            "Bosnia Herzegovina"
## [37] "Belarus"            "Cyprus"             "Northern Cyprus"   
## [40] "Georgia"            "Luxembourg"         "Moldova"           
## [43] "Montenegro"         "Serbia"             "Switzerland"       
## [46] "Ukraine"            "Macedonia"          "Kosovo"

As you can see these are 48 countries, almost all European, Canada and the U.S. being the exceptions. In the same manner we can find out how many waves of data we have available.

## [1] "1981-1984" "1990-1993" "1999-2001" "2008-2010"

Let’s find out how many observations/respondents we have for each country in each year. To do this we will resort to the powerful piping technique delivered through the functionality of the tidyverse (check out this page in case you are not familiar with that technique):

table1 <- wb_data %>% group_by(S002EVS,S003) %>% # groups by Wave and Country
            summarise(n = n()) %>%               # summarises each group by calculating obs
            spread(S002EVS,n) %>%                # put Waves across columns
            print(n=Inf)                         # n = Inf makes sure that all rows are printed
## # A tibble: 48 × 5
##    S003               `1981-1984` `1990-1993` `1999-2001` `2008-2010`
##    <chr>                    <int>       <int>       <int>       <int>
##  1 Albania                     NA          NA          NA        1200
##  2 Armenia                     NA          NA          NA        1224
##  3 Austria                     NA        1432          NA        1216
##  4 Belarus                     NA          NA          NA        1237
##  5 Belgium                   1025        2721        1402        1343
##  6 Bosnia Herzegovina          NA          NA          NA        1104
##  7 Bulgaria                    NA         984         858        1183
##  8 Canada                    1241        1717          NA          NA
##  9 Croatia                     NA          NA         849        1188
## 10 Cyprus                      NA          NA          NA         775
## 11 Czech Republic              NA        2076        1637        1308
## 12 Denmark                   1163        1020         854        1061
## 13 Estonia                     NA         982         767        1273
## 14 Finland                     NA         544          NA         940
## 15 France                    1187         981        1233        1341
## 16 Georgia                     NA          NA          NA        1233
## 17 Germany                   1273        3391        1432        1683
## 18 Great Britain             1153        1459          NA         997
## 19 Greece                      NA          NA         885        1246
## 20 Hungary                     NA         990          NA        1248
## 21 Iceland                    907         690         853         666
## 22 Ireland                   1197         997         782         504
## 23 Italy                     1329        1970        1422         876
## 24 Kosovo                      NA          NA          NA        1339
## 25 Latvia                      NA         777         840        1197
## 26 Lithuania                   NA         975         731        1143
## 27 Luxembourg                  NA          NA          NA        1165
## 28 Macedonia                   NA          NA          NA        1290
## 29 Malta                      424          NA         698         730
## 30 Moldova                     NA          NA          NA        1174
## 31 Montenegro                  NA          NA          NA        1166
## 32 Netherlands               1090         996         923        1250
## 33 Northern Cyprus             NA          NA          NA         404
## 34 Northern Ireland           311         304         625         309
## 35 Norway                    1031        1205          NA         992
## 36 Poland                      NA         958          NA        1050
## 37 Portugal                    NA        1171         635         764
## 38 Romania                     NA        1091          NA        1025
## 39 Russian Federation          NA          NA        2074        1102
## 40 Serbia                      NA          NA          NA        1216
## 41 Slovakia                    NA        1081        1147        1042
## 42 Slovenia                    NA        1011         627         801
## 43 Spain                     2287        2619         741         908
## 44 Sweden                     905         944         931         788
## 45 Switzerland                 NA          NA          NA         934
## 46 Turkey                      NA          NA        1143        2010
## 47 Ukraine                     NA          NA          NA        1178
## 48 United States             2253        1741          NA          NA

You can see that the number of countries have increased through time, although Canada and the U.S. have dropped out.

If you look at the dataframe itself (either view(wb_data) or double click on the little spreadsheet icon on the right hand edge of the Environment window) you will recognise that there are a lot of missing observations (codes as NA). Ordinarily we would be interested in finding out how many effective observations we have for the life satisfaction variable (A170). However, the initial datawork in, has made sure that all the observations you can see are those with available data for this variable.

Let’s look at a couple of graphical representations of our data (Look at this page for an introduction to basic graphing techniques). For instance we may be interested in figuring out whether life satisfaction (1 (dissatisfied) to 10 (satisfied)) and self-reported health are related to each other. We shall look at this on the basis of data aggregated for country-waves.

table2 <- wb_data %>% group_by(S002EVS,S003) %>% # groups by Wave and Country
            summarise(Avg_LifeSatis = mean(A170),Avg_Health = mean(A009))     # summarises each group by calculating obs
ggplot(table2,aes(Avg_Health,Avg_LifeSatis, colour=S002EVS)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title ="Health v Life Satisfaction", 
       x = "Avg Health (1 = Very Poor, 5 = Very good)",
       y = "Avg Life Satisfaction (1 = dissatisfied, 10 = satisfied)")

We can see a clear positive relation between the two variables.

Let’s see whether we can see a similarly clear relationship between life satisfaction and respondent’s attitude towards work (C041 - “Work should come first even if it means less spare time, 1 = Strongly Agree, 5 = Strongly Disagree”). What would you expect to see?

table2 <- wb_data %>% group_by(S002EVS,S003) %>% # groups by Wave and Country
            summarise(Avg_LifeSatis = mean(A170),Avg_WorkFirst = mean(C041))    # summarises each group by calculating obs

ggplot(table2,aes(Avg_WorkFirst, Avg_LifeSatis,colour=S002EVS)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title ="Work First v Life Satisfaction", 
       x = "Work First (1 = Strongly Agree, 5 = Strongly Disagree)",
       y = "Avg Life Satisfaction (1 = dissatisfied, 10 = satisfied)")

The relationship is less clear. Recall that small values for the “Work First” questions relate to the countries where, on average, respondents agreed more strongly with the statement that work should come first!

The correlation between the two variables is not very clear when looking at it at a country level. Let us continue whether the correlation between these two countries in a country is more clear (i.e., do people in, say, Spain, tend to indicate that they are more satisfied with life if they are more inclined to think that work is more important? If so we should expect a negative correlation in Spain).

We can calculate country wide correlations after grouping the data by country and then applying the summarise command to calculate correlations in a country. We restrict the analysis to the 2008-2010 wave.

table3 <- wb_data %>% filter(S002EVS == "2008-2010") %>% 
            group_by(S003) %>% # groups by Country
            summarise(cor_LS_WF = cor(A170,C041,use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),
                      med_income = median(X047D)) %>%    # correlation, remove missing data

ggplot(table3,aes( med_income,cor_LS_WF)) +
  geom_point() +
  ggtitle("Corr(Life Satisfaction, Work First) v Median Income")

There isn’t any really obvious relation between these correlations and the median income. Also the correlations are fairly close to 0 in all countries.

Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a crucial tool in any data analyst’s toolbox. In the first instance regression analysis is tool of descriptive analysis, just like calculating sample means and correlations.

Often regression analysis is seen as some magic tool to discover causal relationships, but it is certainly not. Having said that, a good causal analysis will often use regresison analysis, but this is not the place to discuss when regression results can be interpreted causally.

In order to introduce how regressions are implemented in R we start by creating a new dataset which only contains the British data of the 2008-10 wave.

test_data <- wb_data %>% 
  filter(S003 =="Great Britain") %>%  # pick British data
  filter(S002EVS == "2008-2010")         # pick latest wave

Now we run a regression of the Life Satisfaction variable (A170) against a constant only.

\(LifeSatis_{i} = \alpha + u_{i}\)

To implement a regression we ise the lm function (lm for linear model). In the function call we need to tell R which data object to use (data=test_data) and what model to estimate. TO the left of the ~ symbol we state the dependent variable (here life satisfaction or the A170 variable). To the right of the ~ symbol we list the explanatory variables. Here we only have a constant (or a variable which only takes the value 1 and hence, the model here is specified as A170~1). The results of the regression are saved in a new object which, here, we call mod1.

mod1 <- lm(A170~1,data=test_data)

After executing this line you will see a new object mod1 in your environment. This object is a list will 11 objects. With names(mod1) you can find out what elements are saved in that list. You can use particular elements of this object, e.g. the residuals, by calling mod1$residuals.

If you want a standard regression output you can obtain this as follows:

## Call:
## lm(formula = A170 ~ 1, data = test_data)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
##  -6.53  -0.53   0.47   1.47   2.47 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   7.5296     0.0634     119   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 2 on 996 degrees of freedom

In fact, this is not very nice and a better way to display regression results is to use the stargazer function.

stargazer(mod1, type="text")
## ===============================================
##                         Dependent variable:    
##                     ---------------------------
##                                A170            
## -----------------------------------------------
## Constant                     7.500***          
##                               (0.063)          
## -----------------------------------------------
## Observations                    997            
## R2                             0.000           
## Adjusted R2                    0.000           
## Residual Std. Error      2.000 (df = 996)      
## ===============================================
## Note:               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

This looks more like a standard regresison output. Check out ?stargazer to find out what the type option does.

What we will find is that the estimated value for \(\alpha\), \(\widehat{\alpha}=7.530\) is nothing else but the sample mean of all British observations in the 2008-2010 wave.

## [1] 7.5

We could now calculate a t-test \(=(\widehat{\alpha}-\alpha_0)/se{\widehat{\alpha}}\) \(=(7.530-0)/0.063=119.524\) which tests the hypothesis that the average response to the Life Satisfaction question is equal to 0 (Yes, this makes no sense as the smallest possible response is 1, but R doesn’t know that!).

This could also be calculated without a regression model using the t.test function:

t.test(test_data$A170, mu=0)  # testing that mu = 0
##  One Sample t-test
## data:  test_data$A170
## t = 119, df = 996, p-value <2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  7.4 7.7
## sample estimates:
## mean of x 
##       7.5

The differences in the t-tests are rounding differences.

Let’s see how we could use a regression to test for the difference in means. First we adjust our dataset test_data to include British and Swedish data. Note here how we use the increadibly useful S003 %in% c("Sweden","Great Britain") condition which selects all observations for which the country variable (S003) is included in the list c("Sweden","Great Britain"). Type ?c in the console to see what the c() function does.

test_data <- wb_data %>% 
  filter(S003 %in% c("Sweden","Great Britain")) %>%  # pick British and Swedish data
  filter(S002EVS == "2008-2010")         # pick latest wave

Then we run a regression with the Life Expectancy as the dependent variable and a constant and a dummy variable which takes the value 1 if the respondent is from Sweden and 0 if the respondent is from Britain. This is achieved by specifying the model as A170~S003. The variable name before the ~ is the dependent variable, here A170. The variable after the ~ is the explanatory variable, here S003. (Note that R automatically includes a constant into the regression model, even if you do not specify it explicitly.)

mod1 <- lm(A170~S003,data=test_data)
stargazer(mod1, type="text")
## ===============================================
##                         Dependent variable:    
##                     ---------------------------
##                                A170            
## -----------------------------------------------
## S003Sweden                     0.150           
##                               (0.097)          
## Constant                     7.500***          
##                               (0.064)          
## -----------------------------------------------
## Observations                   1,785           
## R2                             0.001           
## Adjusted R2                    0.001           
## Residual Std. Error      2.000 (df = 1783)     
## F Statistic            2.400 (df = 1; 1783)    
## ===============================================
## Note:               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

This regression is a very special one as it uses the country variable as the explanatory variable. Recall that test_data only contain British and Swedish data. The regression picked one country as the base country (here Britain as it is first in the alphabet) and for the other it created a dummy variable. Basically a variable (\(Sweden_i\)) which takes the value 1 if the observation comes from Sweden and 0 otherwise.

\(LifeSatis_{i} = \alpha + \beta~ Sweden_{i} + u_{i}\)

You can see that the constant (\(\widehat{\alpha}\)) still reports the sample average for the British observations. It is identical to the value we saw in the previous regression. But what is the meaning of \(\widehat{\beta}=0.149\)? This is not the average response value for Swedish respondents, but the difference between the British and Swedish average. As it is positive it means that the Swedish average response is larger than the British. In fact it is 7.530+0.149=7.679.

Let’s confirm this by briefly calculating the the two means in the usual manner

test_data %>%  group_by(S003) %>% summarise(mean = mean(A170))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   S003           mean
##   <chr>         <dbl>
## 1 Great Britain  7.53
## 2 Sweden         7.68

You can now test whether that difference is significantly different from 0 (\(H_0:\beta = 0\)) which is equivalent to testing that the two averages are identical. The t-test for this hypothesis test would be \(0.149/0.097=1.536\).

The regressions we ran so far were special in the sense that they involved explanatory variables which were either a constant (i.e. ones) or dummy variables (0s or 1s). The result of this was that the resulting estimates represented sample means or differences in sample means.

The interpretation of coefficient estimates changes as explanatory variables take a more general form.

test_data <- wb_data %>% 
  filter(S003 =="Great Britain") %>%  # pick British data
  filter(S002EVS == "2008-2010")         # pick latest wave

We now estimate a regression model which includes a constant and the household’s monthly income (in 1,000 Euros) as an explanatory variable (\(INC_i\) OR VARIABLE x047D in our dataset).

\(LifeSatis_{i} = \alpha + \beta~ Inc_{i} + u_{i}\)

mod1 <- lm(A170~X047D,data=test_data)
stargazer(mod1, type="text")
## ===============================================
##                         Dependent variable:    
##                     ---------------------------
##                                A170            
## -----------------------------------------------
## X047D                        0.180***          
##                               (0.039)          
## Constant                     7.200***          
##                               (0.095)          
## -----------------------------------------------
## Observations                    997            
## R2                             0.022           
## Adjusted R2                    0.021           
## Residual Std. Error      2.000 (df = 995)      
## F Statistic           22.000*** (df = 1; 995)  
## ===============================================
## Note:               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

Here you see that \(\widehat{\beta}=0.184\). What does this mean? As the income increases by one unit (here that represents an increase of Euro 1,000) we should expect that Life Satisfaction increases by 0.184 units. What is the interpretation for \(\widehat{\alpha}=7.190\)? For someone with 0 income we should expect the Life Satisfaction to be 7.119. Let’s present a graphical representation, including a representation of the estimated regression line (+ geom_abline(intercept = mod1$coefficients[1], slope = mod1$coefficients[2])).

ggplot(test_data, aes(x=X047D, y=A170, colour = S003)) +
    geom_point() +    
    geom_abline(intercept = mod1$coefficients[1], slope = mod1$coefficients[2]) +
    ggtitle("Income v Life Satisfaction, Britain")

This plot is somewhat awkward as each of the points you see may represent many observations as incomes are only reported in 12 different values. R has a neat option for cases like this. Instead of using geom_point you can use geom_jitter whcih raandomises the location of teh points a little such that you can see the individual points.

ggplot(test_data, aes(x=X047D, y=A170, colour = S003)) +
    geom_jitter(width=0.2, size = 0.5) +    # Use jitter rather than point so we can see indiv obs
    geom_abline(intercept = mod1$coefficients[1], slope = mod1$coefficients[2])+
    ggtitle("Income v Life Satisfaction, Britain")

The regression parameters, which deliver the line of best fit, are estimated by Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The name comes from the fact that these parameters are the ones which minimise the sum of squared residuals, \(\Sigma \widehat{u}^2_i = \Sigma (LifeSatis_{i} - \widehat{\alpha} - \widehat{\beta}~ Inc_{i})^2\). These parameters achieve another thing, they ensure that \(Corr(Inc_{i},\widehat{u}_{i})=0\) is true.

This last point is incredibly important, as one of the assumptions underpinning the estimation of regression models by OLS is that \(Corr(Inc_{i},u_{i})=0\), called the exogeneity assumption. Why is that assumption important? If the assumption was not true, then we need to accept that the OLS estimation imposes a feature into the model that is not appropriate for the data. As a result the resulting regression coefficients are biased. As a consequence the resulting regression model cannot be said to have any causal interpretation.

As we cannot observe \(u_i\), the assumption of exogeneity cannot be tested directly and we need to make an argument using economic understanding.

A lot of econometric work is therefore directed at building either models or estimation methods (alternatives to OLS) which make this assumption more defendable. This could be the inclusion of additional explanatory variables (leading to multivariate regression analysis) or the application of alternative estimation methods (like instrumental variables estimation).

Multiple Regression

In the earlier model we reelated life satisfaction to income. There is of course no suggestion that life satisfaction should only be related to income. It is clear that other variables should also be related, such as health (variable A009).

Let’s add this health variable as well as a dummy variable indicating whether a respondent is a male of female (a variable taken 0 if female or 1 if male) to the regression to estimate this model:

\[LifeSatis_{i} = \alpha + \beta~ Inc_{i} + \gamma~Health_{i} + \delta~Sex_{i}+ u_{i}\]

mod2 <- lm(A170~X047D+A009+X001 ,data=test_data)
stargazer(mod1, mod2, type="text")
## ===================================================================
##                                   Dependent variable:              
##                     -----------------------------------------------
##                                          A170                      
##                               (1)                     (2)          
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## X047D                      0.180***                0.120***        
##                             (0.039)                 (0.039)        
## A009                                               0.500***        
##                                                     (0.064)        
## X001Male                                            -0.240*        
##                                                     (0.120)        
## Constant                   7.200***                5.400***        
##                             (0.095)                 (0.260)        
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Observations                  997                     997          
## R2                           0.022                   0.084         
## Adjusted R2                  0.021                   0.081         
## Residual Std. Error    2.000 (df = 995)        1.900 (df = 993)    
## F Statistic         22.000*** (df = 1; 995) 30.000*** (df = 3; 993)
## ===================================================================
## Note:                                   *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

You can see that the effect of income (X047D) has reduced somewhat with this inclusion of extra covariates. You can see that being a male is associated with a somewhat lower life satisfaction. The health variable, coded as (1 = very poor and 5 = very good), seems to be positively correlated with life satisfation (coded from 1 to 10). This is of course not a surprise as bad health is bound to impact negatively on life satisfaction.

If you check the data format for the Health variable it is a numeric data format. This means that the way in which the parameter is interpreted it implies that (on average) an increase of 1 on the health score should be expected to relate to an increase of the life satisfaction score of about 0.5. This interpretation implies that increasing your health from a score of 1 to 2 has the same effect on life satisfaction as an increase from 3 to 4. This may not be the case.

In order to allow for a nonlinear relationship between health and life satisfaction it will be instructive to not treat the health variable as a numeric variable, but rather as a categorical one. This is achieved by turning A009 into a factor variable (as.factor(A009)). Let’s look at the outcome.

mod3 <- lm(A170~X047D+as.factor(A009)+X001 ,data=test_data)
stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3, type="text")
## ===========================================================================================
##                                               Dependent variable:                          
##                     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
##                                                      A170                                  
##                               (1)                     (2)                     (3)          
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## X047D                      0.180***                0.120***                0.120***        
##                             (0.039)                 (0.039)                 (0.039)        
## A009                                               0.500***                                
##                                                     (0.064)                                
## as.factor(A009)2                                                             0.680         
##                                                                             (0.470)        
## as.factor(A009)3                                                           1.500***        
##                                                                             (0.430)        
## as.factor(A009)4                                                           1.800***        
##                                                                             (0.420)        
## as.factor(A009)5                                                           2.300***        
##                                                                             (0.430)        
## X001Male                                            -0.240*                 -0.240*        
##                                                     (0.120)                 (0.120)        
## Constant                   7.200***                5.400***                5.600***        
##                             (0.095)                 (0.260)                 (0.410)        
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Observations                  997                     997                     997          
## R2                           0.022                   0.084                   0.086         
## Adjusted R2                  0.021                   0.081                   0.081         
## Residual Std. Error    2.000 (df = 995)        1.900 (df = 993)        1.900 (df = 990)    
## F Statistic         22.000*** (df = 1; 995) 30.000*** (df = 3; 993) 16.000*** (df = 6; 990)
## ===========================================================================================
## Note:                                                           *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

What R has done here is the following: There are five possible values for the health variable. The first (A009=1) is used as the default. Then there are four extra dummy variables included. For instance a dummy variable which takes a value 1 if A009=3 (and equally for outcomes 2, 4 and 5). For nstance the estimated coefficient of 1.515 for the outcome 3 indicates that relative to the default answer (A009=1) we should expect the answer to the Life Satifaction answer to be 1.515 larger if a respondent answered 3 to the health question. Now you can see from the coefficients that answering 4 instead of 3 makes actually very little difference to the life satisfaction question.

Robust Regression Inference

This page is not a complete econometric discussion of regression analysis and its assumptions. One of the commonly made assumptions is that the variance of regression error terms is constant across all observations. This is called the homoskedasticity assumption. This is an assumption frequently breached, in which case we say that there is heteroskedasticity.

There are diagnostics test available to test the null hypothesis of the absence of heteroskedasticity (e.g. the bptest function of the AER package). However, here we concentrate on how to deal with the presence of heteroskedasticity. The immediate consequence is that the standard errors that are calculated by R, or most other econometric packages, are incorrect. For all but very small sample sizes there is a straightforward fix, heteroskedasticity robust standard errors can be calculated.

This is not done by the lm function but by another function, vcovHC provided by the AER package. You can use the help function for vcovHC to see what options you have and how to do this. However, the stargazer_HC function which you loaded at the beginning of this exercise does implement this in an easy to use manner. If you wish to calculate heteroskedastic standard errors you can call stargazer_HC instead of stargazer to display the regression output.

stargazer_HC(mod1, type_out="text")
## =========================================================
##                              Dependent variable:         
##                     -------------------------------------
##                                     A170                 
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## X047D                             0.180***               
##                                    (0.034)               
## Constant                          7.200***               
##                                    (0.100)               
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Observations                         997                 
## R2                                  0.022                
## Adjusted R2                         0.021                
## Residual Std. Error           2.000 (df = 995)           
## F Statistic                22.000*** (df = 1; 995)       
## =========================================================
## Note:                         *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
##                     Robust standard errors in parenthesis

Comparing the standard errors, the values in parenthesis underneath the coefficient estimates, you will see that the standard errors are somewhat different to the ones in the earlier regression output. The coefficients, however, remain unchanged.


You have learned how to use R to estimate a regression model and how to calculate heteroskedasticity robust standard errors.