Here we are looking at replicating aspects of this paper:
Siegel et al (2019) The Impact of State Firearm Laws on Homicide and Suicide Deaths in the USA, 1991–2016: a Panel Study, J Gen Intern Med 34(10):2021–8.
In this paper the authors evaluate whether the introduction of different types of gun control laws have a causal impact on a range of outcome variables, e.g. the rate of gun related deaths. In these walk-throughs we will attempt to first access the data used in the paper (this Part 1) and then to replicate the empirical results. We will be unable to obtain the exact same dataset and therefore our attempt will only be partially successful. But in any case the process shown here will reflect the process of an empirical piece of research.
In Part 2 we will use the data acquired to implement a Difference in Difference methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of Laws that attempt to restrict the ownership of firearms on the number of firearm deaths.
Let’s start by loading the packages we will use throughout this work.
library(plm) # for panel data
library(sandwich) # for cluster robust standard errors
library(stargazer) # for nice regression output
library(stringr) # to extract strings
The core data are information about Gun Laws and fatality statistics
Siegel and co-authors collated this information and published them on The following uploads
the database (“Firearmlaws DATABASE_0.xlsx”). Each row indicates a
state-year and in columns indicates whether in a particular state-year a
policy is in place. From the database you can also download a
spreedsheet that adds explanations to the variable definitions. This is
important information and we download it also (“Firearmlaws
codebook_0.xlsx”). Both files (and any later datafiles) are saved in a
# set data directory
datadir <- "../data/"
law_data <- read_excel(paste0(datadir,"Firearmlaws DATABASE_0.xlsx"))
law_data_codebook <- read_excel(paste0(datadir,"Firearmlaws codebook_0.xlsx"))
names(law_data_codebook) = make.names(names(law_data_codebook)) # This eliminates spaces in variable names
The last line of the above code ensures that variable names have no
spaces. For instance it turns the variable name
Sub Category
into Sub.Category
. This makes
working with variables much easier.
The following lists all the different policy categories used.
## [1] "state" "year"
## [3] "felony" "invcommitment"
## [5] "invoutpatient" "danger"
## [7] "drugmisdemeanor" "alctreatment"
## [9] "alcoholism" "relinquishment"
## [11] "violent" "violenth"
## [13] "violentpartial" "dealer"
## [15] "dealerh" "recordsall"
## [17] "recordsallh" "recordsdealer"
## [19] "recordsdealerh" "reportall"
## [21] "reportallh" "reportdealer"
## [23] "reportdealerh" "purge"
## [25] "residential" "theft"
## [27] "security" "inspection"
## [29] "ammlicense" "ammrecords"
## [31] "permit" "permith"
## [33] "fingerprint" "training"
## [35] "permitlaw" "registration"
## [37] "registrationh" "defactoreg"
## [39] "defactoregh" "ammpermit"
## [41] "ammrestrict" "age21handgunsale"
## [43] "age18longgunsale" "age21longgunsaled"
## [45] "age21longgunsale" "age21handgunpossess"
## [47] "age18longgunpossess" "age21longgunpossess"
## [49] "loststolen" "amm18"
## [51] "amm21h" "universal"
## [53] "universalh" "gunshow"
## [55] "gunshowh" "universalpermit"
## [57] "universalpermith" "backgroundpurge"
## [59] "ammbackground" "threedaylimit"
## [61] "mentalhealth" "statechecks"
## [63] "statechecksh" "waiting"
## [65] "waitingh" "assault"
## [67] "onefeature" "assaultlist"
## [69] "assaultregister" "assaulttransfer"
## [71] "magazine" "tenroundlimit"
## [73] "magazinepreowned" "onepermonth"
## [75] "traffickingbackground" "traffickingprohibited"
## [77] "traffickingprohibitedh" "strawpurchase"
## [79] "strawpurchaseh" "microstamp"
## [81] "gvro" "gvrolawenforcement"
## [83] "college" "collegeconcealed"
## [85] "elementary" "opencarryh"
## [87] "opencarryl" "opencarrypermith"
## [89] "opencarrypermitl" "permitconcealed"
## [91] "mayissue" "showing"
## [93] "ccbackground" "ccbackgroundnics"
## [95] "ccrenewbackground" "ccrevoke"
## [97] "nosyg" "personalized"
## [99] "lockd" "lockp"
## [101] "locked" "lockstandards"
## [103] "capliability" "capaccess"
## [105] "capuses" "capunloaded"
## [107] "cap18" "cap16"
## [109] "cap14" "junkgun"
## [111] "liability" "immunity"
## [113] "preemption" "preemptionnarrow"
## [115] "preemptionbroad" "mcdv"
## [117] "mcdvdating" "mcdvsurrender"
## [119] "mcdvsurrendernoconditions" "mcdvsurrenderdating"
## [121] "mcdvremovalallowed" "mcdvremovalrequired"
## [123] "incidentremoval" "incidentall"
## [125] "dvro" "dvrodating"
## [127] "exparte" "expartedating"
## [129] "dvrosurrender" "dvrosurrendernoconditions"
## [131] "dvrosurrenderdating" "expartesurrender"
## [133] "expartesurrendernoconditions" "expartesurrenderdating"
## [135] "dvroremoval" "stalking"
## [137] "lawtotal"
You can get details on particular policies by looking at the codebook. For instance if you wish to know what policy is “junkgun”.
print(toString(law_data_codebook[law_data_codebook$Variable.Name == "junkgun","Detailed.Description.of.Provision"]))
## [1] "The law prohibits the sale of handguns that fail to meet one or more of the following requirements: (1) Passes drop testing and firing testing; (2) Passes a melting point test; (3) Possesses specific handgun safety features; (4) Appears on a list of approved handguns. This may or may not apply to private sellers."
The policies are also in a number of different categories (variable
in law_data_codebook
) and sub
categories (variable Sub.category
). Let’s see what
categories there are and how many different policies fall under each of
## Ammunition regulations
## 7
## Assault weapons and large-capacity magazines
## 8
## Background checks
## 11
## Buyer regulations
## 17
## Child access prevention
## 11
## Concealed carry permitting
## 7
## Dealer regulations
## 17
## Domestic violence
## 21
## Gun trafficking
## 7
## Immunity
## 1
## Possession regulations
## 12
## Preemption
## 3
## Prohibitions for high-risk gun possession
## 11
## Stand your ground
## 1
The most recent observation from the policy database is 2020.
Data on state level fatalities and their reason can be obtained from the US Center for Disease Control, in particular the “Fatal and Nonfatal Injury Reports”. Following the lead from the Siegel et al (2019) paper we are after the age adjusted homicide rates.
Data are in state level files for Years. For instance you can find a file that provides annual information on causes of deaths and also broken down by the race of the deceased. The data for the state of Alabama is available from (“AL by race.csv”). Let’s upload these data.
deaths_data_race <- read_csv(paste0(datadir,"AL by race.csv"), na = "--")
names(deaths_data_race) = make.names(names(deaths_data_race))
# only keep rows that start with the state name
deaths_data_race <- deaths_data_race %>% filter(State == "Alabama")
head(deaths_data_race) # displays the first few observations
## # A tibble: 6 × 9
## State Year Mechanism Race Deaths Population Crude.Rate Age.Adjusted.Rate
## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Alabama 2020 Cut/Pierce White 24 3445489 0.7 0.69
## 2 Alabama 2020 Cut/Pierce Black 24 1350111 1.78 1.77
## 3 Alabama 2020 Cut/Pierce Asia… <NA> 87585 <NA> <NA>
## 4 Alabama 2020 Drowning (… White 59 3445489 1.71 1.7
## 5 Alabama 2020 Drowning (… Black 16** 1350111 1.19** 1.26**
## 6 Alabama 2020 Drowning (… Amer… <NA> 38347 <NA> <NA>
## # ℹ 1 more variable: Years.of.Potential.Life.Lost <dbl>
When checking the notes to the table you will realise that they do
not report number of deaths if they are below 10. For example there is
no reported number of deaths by “Cut/Pierce” for “Asien / HI Native /
Pac.Islander” ethnicity. That does not mean that there were none. All we
know that there were not more than 10. For values below 20 they are
labeled as unsafe values (labelled with a **
). The fact
that numbers below 10 are not recorded means that we cannot get
statewide numbers by aggregating across all races.
While it would be very interesting to do this analysis broken down by races, and the above data are suitable for such an analysis, we will not pursue this line here and we will have to base our analysis on different datasets, not the datafiles that break the numbers down by race.
Let’s look at the data for Alabama not broken down by race (“AL.csv”):
deaths_data <- read_csv(paste0(datadir,"AL.csv"), na = "--")
names(deaths_data) = make.names(names(deaths_data))
# only keep rows that start with the state name
deaths_data <- deaths_data %>% filter(State == "Alabama")
# remove "**", needs applying twice
remove_astast <- function(x){ return (str_remove(x, "[**]"))}
test <- data.frame(lapply(deaths_data,remove_astast))
deaths_data <- data.frame(lapply(test,remove_astast))
# turn data into numeric
deaths_data$Deaths <- as.numeric(deaths_data$Deaths)
## State Year Mechanism Deaths Population
## 1 Alabama 2021 Cut/Pierce 48 5039877
## 2 Alabama 2021 Drowning (includes water transport) 82 5039877
## 3 Alabama 2021 Fall 321 5039877
## 4 Alabama 2021 Fire/Flame 113 5039877
## 5 Alabama 2021 Hot object/Substance NA 5039877
## 6 Alabama 2021 Firearm NA 5039877
## 7 Alabama 2021 Machinery 12 5039877
## 8 Alabama 2021 Natural/Environmental 34 5039877
## 9 Alabama 2021 Drug Poisoning NA 5039877
## 10 Alabama 2021 Non-Drug Poisoning 79 5039877
## Crude.Rate Age.Adjusted.Rate Years.of.Potential.Life.Lost
## 1 0.95 1 1009
## 2 1.63 1.59 1924
## 3 6.37 5.43 1382
## 4 2.24 1.89 1208
## 5 <NA> <NA> <NA>
## 6 26.09 26.29 34236
## 7 0.24 0.21 160
## 8 0.68 0.56 504
## 9 27.94 30.1 33079
## 10 1.57 1.59 1500
Let’s explore which types of causes of death are in the dataset.
print("Causes of death")
## [1] "Causes of death"
## [1] "Cut/Pierce"
## [2] "Drowning (includes water transport)"
## [3] "Fall"
## [4] "Fire/Flame"
## [5] "Hot object/Substance"
## [6] "Firearm"
## [7] "Machinery"
## [8] "Natural/Environmental"
## [9] "Drug Poisoning"
## [10] "Non-Drug Poisoning"
## [11] "Struck by / against"
## [12] "Suffocation"
## [13] "Motor vehicle, traffic"
## [14] "Pedal cyclist, other"
## [15] "Pedestrian, other"
## [16] "Transport, other land"
## [17] "Transport, other (excl. drown by water transp)"
## [18] "Other specified and classifiable"
## [19] "Other specified / NEC"
## [20] "Unspecified"
## [21] "Overexertion"
You will see that these indicate the “mechanism” of death, but do not indicate whether a death was a homicide, accident or suicide. Recall that we are really after the homicide data. We are returning to this point a little later.
When downloading the data from CDC website you can only download the data for one state at the time. Here are the filter settings used when downloading data from the WISQARS Fatal and Nonfatal Injury Reports.
After downloading these data you should have 51 such files, one for each state. This is the point where we have to do a bit of organising. Make sure that the files have a consistent and clear naming structure. Here we saved the files under the two letter abbreviation for each state, for instance “AL” for Alabama. At this stage you should make sure that you have a list of all the states and the associated abbreviations. You can get such a list from many places. Search the internet for something like “list of us states and abbreviations”.
I saved such a table into an Excel file
USstates <- read_excel(paste0(datadir,"USStates_Dictionary.xlsx"))
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## State State_code State_num_code Region
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 Alabama AL 1 South
## 2 Alaska AK 2 West
## 3 Arizona AZ 4 West
## 4 Arkansas AR 5 South
## 5 California CA 6 West
## 6 Colorado CO 8 West
Working with 51 files is awkward and we should merge these data together into one dataframe. If we know that there will be 52 files all structured the same way (as they all come from the same source) and all named consistently, using the two letter abbreviation, then we should be able to “automate” the merging process.
Roughly, the following code does the following. Import the data from
the first state (Alabama) and save that into deaths_data
Then loop through the remaining states. Upload the new states data into
and add (using the bind_rows
function) temp_data
into deaths_data
. Then
move on to the next state and do the same. In that way the
file will grow until it contains the data for
all 51 states.
# start with first state
USstates_code <- USstates$State_code[1] # pick first state code
USstates_name <- USstates$State[1] # pick first state name
filename <- paste0(datadir, USstates_code, ".csv") # create text variable with filename to upload
deaths_data <- read_csv(filename, na = "--")
# only keep rows that start with the state name
deaths_data <- deaths_data %>% filter(State == "Alabama")
for (i in seq(2,nrow(USstates))){
USstates_code <- USstates$State_code[i]
USstates_name <- USstates$State[i]
filename <- paste0(datadir, USstates_code, ".csv")
# get the next file
temp_data <- read_csv(filename, na = "--")
# only keep rows that start with the state name
temp_data <- temp_data %>% filter(State == USstates_name)
# attach to deaths_data
deaths_data <- bind_rows(deaths_data,temp_data)
#after loop
names(deaths_data) = make.names(names(deaths_data))
# remove "**", needs applying twice
remove_astast <- function(x){ return (str_remove(x, "[**]"))}
test <- data.frame(lapply(deaths_data,remove_astast))
deaths_data <- data.frame(lapply(test,remove_astast))
# turn data into numeric
deaths_data$Year <- as.numeric(deaths_data$Year)
deaths_data$Deaths <- as.numeric(deaths_data$Deaths)
deaths_data$Age.Adjusted.Rate <- as.numeric(deaths_data$Age.Adjusted.Rate)
deaths_data$Population <- as.numeric(deaths_data$Population)
deaths_data$Crude.Rate <- as.numeric(deaths_data$Crude.Rate)
deaths_data$Years.of.Potential.Life.Lost <- as.numeric(deaths_data$Years.of.Potential.Life.Lost)
After going through this code you should find that
has 20,895 rows of data and 8 variables.
At this stage we have the information on the laws and the information
on the death rates in two different data objects, law_data
and deaths_data
. Let us now merge these two data sets into
one big data object. First we compare the variable names to ensure that
we have matching variables
## [1] "State" "Year"
## [3] "Mechanism" "Deaths"
## [5] "Population" "Crude.Rate"
## [7] "Age.Adjusted.Rate" "Years.of.Potential.Life.Lost"
## [1] "state" "year"
## [3] "felony" "invcommitment"
## [5] "invoutpatient" "danger"
## [7] "drugmisdemeanor" "alctreatment"
## [9] "alcoholism" "relinquishment"
## [11] "violent" "violenth"
## [13] "violentpartial" "dealer"
## [15] "dealerh" "recordsall"
## [17] "recordsallh" "recordsdealer"
## [19] "recordsdealerh" "reportall"
## [21] "reportallh" "reportdealer"
## [23] "reportdealerh" "purge"
## [25] "residential" "theft"
## [27] "security" "inspection"
## [29] "ammlicense" "ammrecords"
## [31] "permit" "permith"
## [33] "fingerprint" "training"
## [35] "permitlaw" "registration"
## [37] "registrationh" "defactoreg"
## [39] "defactoregh" "ammpermit"
## [41] "ammrestrict" "age21handgunsale"
## [43] "age18longgunsale" "age21longgunsaled"
## [45] "age21longgunsale" "age21handgunpossess"
## [47] "age18longgunpossess" "age21longgunpossess"
## [49] "loststolen" "amm18"
## [51] "amm21h" "universal"
## [53] "universalh" "gunshow"
## [55] "gunshowh" "universalpermit"
## [57] "universalpermith" "backgroundpurge"
## [59] "ammbackground" "threedaylimit"
## [61] "mentalhealth" "statechecks"
## [63] "statechecksh" "waiting"
## [65] "waitingh" "assault"
## [67] "onefeature" "assaultlist"
## [69] "assaultregister" "assaulttransfer"
## [71] "magazine" "tenroundlimit"
## [73] "magazinepreowned" "onepermonth"
## [75] "traffickingbackground" "traffickingprohibited"
## [77] "traffickingprohibitedh" "strawpurchase"
## [79] "strawpurchaseh" "microstamp"
## [81] "gvro" "gvrolawenforcement"
## [83] "college" "collegeconcealed"
## [85] "elementary" "opencarryh"
## [87] "opencarryl" "opencarrypermith"
## [89] "opencarrypermitl" "permitconcealed"
## [91] "mayissue" "showing"
## [93] "ccbackground" "ccbackgroundnics"
## [95] "ccrenewbackground" "ccrevoke"
## [97] "nosyg" "personalized"
## [99] "lockd" "lockp"
## [101] "locked" "lockstandards"
## [103] "capliability" "capaccess"
## [105] "capuses" "capunloaded"
## [107] "cap18" "cap16"
## [109] "cap14" "junkgun"
## [111] "liability" "immunity"
## [113] "preemption" "preemptionnarrow"
## [115] "preemptionbroad" "mcdv"
## [117] "mcdvdating" "mcdvsurrender"
## [119] "mcdvsurrendernoconditions" "mcdvsurrenderdating"
## [121] "mcdvremovalallowed" "mcdvremovalrequired"
## [123] "incidentremoval" "incidentall"
## [125] "dvro" "dvrodating"
## [127] "exparte" "expartedating"
## [129] "dvrosurrender" "dvrosurrendernoconditions"
## [131] "dvrosurrenderdating" "expartesurrender"
## [133] "expartesurrendernoconditions" "expartesurrenderdating"
## [135] "dvroremoval" "stalking"
## [137] "lawtotal"
When you merge data files you need to be very clear what you wish to
merge. Here we have data at the State-Year level. So we want to merge
data from the same State-Year together into the same row. In
we have one row of data for each state-year.
law_data %>% filter(state == "Alabama", year == "2015")
## # A tibble: 1 × 137
## state year felony invcommitment invoutpatient danger drugmisdemeanor
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Alabama 2015 0 1 0 1 0
## # ℹ 130 more variables: alctreatment <dbl>, alcoholism <dbl>,
## # relinquishment <dbl>, violent <dbl>, violenth <dbl>, violentpartial <dbl>,
## # dealer <dbl>, dealerh <dbl>, recordsall <dbl>, recordsallh <dbl>,
## # recordsdealer <dbl>, recordsdealerh <dbl>, reportall <dbl>,
## # reportallh <dbl>, reportdealer <dbl>, reportdealerh <dbl>, purge <dbl>,
## # residential <dbl>, theft <dbl>, security <dbl>, inspection <dbl>,
## # ammlicense <dbl>, ammrecords <dbl>, permit <dbl>, permith <dbl>, …
But note that in deaths_data
we actually have 20 rows of
data for each state-year. One row for each mechanism of death.
deaths_data %>% filter(State == "Alabama", Year == "2015")
## State Year Mechanism Deaths
## 1 Alabama 2015 Cut/Pierce 41
## 2 Alabama 2015 Drowning (includes water transport) 90
## 3 Alabama 2015 Fall 265
## 4 Alabama 2015 Fire/Flame 92
## 5 Alabama 2015 Hot object/Substance NA
## 6 Alabama 2015 Firearm 958
## 7 Alabama 2015 Machinery 18
## 8 Alabama 2015 Natural/Environmental 25
## 9 Alabama 2015 Drug Poisoning 736
## 10 Alabama 2015 Non-Drug Poisoning 71
## 11 Alabama 2015 Struck by / against 17
## 12 Alabama 2015 Suffocation 246
## 13 Alabama 2015 Motor vehicle, traffic 929
## 14 Alabama 2015 Pedal cyclist, other NA
## 15 Alabama 2015 Pedestrian, other 21
## 16 Alabama 2015 Transport, other land 28
## 17 Alabama 2015 Transport, other (excl. drown by water transp) NA
## 18 Alabama 2015 Other specified and classifiable 25
## 19 Alabama 2015 Other specified / NEC 20
## 20 Alabama 2015 Unspecified 271
## Population Crude.Rate Age.Adjusted.Rate Years.of.Potential.Life.Lost
## 1 4854803 0.85 0.86 823
## 2 4854803 1.85 1.80 2356
## 3 4854803 5.46 4.81 1019
## 4 4854803 1.90 1.74 1330
## 5 4854803 NA NA NA
## 6 4854803 19.73 19.60 22293
## 7 4854803 0.37 0.31 155
## 8 4854803 0.52 0.47 222
## 9 4854803 15.16 15.70 16715
## 10 4854803 1.46 1.43 1360
## 11 4854803 0.35 0.32 238
## 12 4854803 5.07 4.90 4720
## 13 4854803 19.14 18.56 21472
## 14 4854803 NA NA NA
## 15 4854803 0.43 0.45 662
## 16 4854803 0.58 0.59 566
## 17 4854803 NA NA NA
## 18 4854803 0.52 0.52 704
## 19 4854803 0.41 0.38 277
## 20 4854803 5.58 5.09 2466
The aim here is to keep the 20 rows of data for the different mechanisms and add the same law data to each of the 20 rows of data (say for Alabama in 2015).
We want to match on State and Year, but note that the variables are
capitalised in deaths_data
and not capitalised in
. As R is case sensitive we will have to harmonise
the names before merging.
names(law_data)[names(law_data) == "state"] <- "State"
names(law_data)[names(law_data) == "year"] <- "Year"
merge_data <- merge(deaths_data,law_data, all.x = TRUE)
We end up with 20895 rows of data. This is the same number of row as
in deaths_data
. Check out what would have happened had you
set the all.x
option to FALSE. Read the help for the
function to understand what this option does.
It is important to understand why you have the number of observations you have. Here we have 51 states, 21 years and 21 methods of death. If we had a complete set of observations this would deliver 22,491 obs, but for some states we are “missing” some methods of death.
Let us check this to make sure
table1 <- merge_data %>% group_by(State, Year) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>% # counts number of rows in each group
spread(Year,n) %>% print()
## # A tibble: 51 × 22
## # Groups: State [51]
## State `2001` `2002` `2003` `2004` `2005` `2006` `2007` `2008` `2009` `2010`
## <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 Alabama 20 19 19 20 20 19 20 21 19 20
## 2 Alaska 18 19 19 19 17 19 19 18 17 18
## 3 Arizona 20 20 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
## 4 Arkans… 19 19 21 20 20 20 20 20 19 20
## 5 Califo… 20 21 21 20 20 21 21 20 21 21
## 6 Colora… 19 20 19 21 20 20 20 21 21 20
## 7 Connec… 20 18 19 20 20 19 19 20 19 20
## 8 Delawa… 18 18 17 17 18 17 19 18 18 17
## 9 Distri… 18 16 14 17 13 18 18 14 18 18
## 10 Florida 20 20 21 20 20 20 21 21 20 21
## # ℹ 41 more rows
## # ℹ 11 more variables: `2011` <int>, `2012` <int>, `2013` <int>, `2014` <int>,
## # `2015` <int>, `2016` <int>, `2017` <int>, `2018` <int>, `2019` <int>,
## # `2020` <int>, `2021` <int>
As you can see from this table, the number of observations by State/Year is often less than 21.
Unfortunately the data series, when accessed through this database, only start in 2001. In the Siegel et al. (2019) paper data from 1991 are used (up to and including 2016). This means that here we can use data from 2001 to 2020 (last policy observation).
Before we continue there is one extra item to take care off. We
already merged two datafiles and we will merge data from more datafiles
a little later. When one merges on state names there is always the risk
that different datasets use slightly different spelling and therefore
the data may not match perfectly. This is one reason why there are codes
for states and countries. In the US there are two letter codes
representing states. They are contained in the USstates
dataframe we previously loaded, but they are not yet contained in the
dataframe. Let us add an additional column
with that two letter code.
merge_data <- merge(merge_data, USstates)
names(merge_data)[names(merge_data)=="Code"] <- "State_code"
We will use this to facilitate the merging of datafiles.
Let’s calculate some firearm death statistics. The data from the CDC deliver an age adjusted rate which indicates the number of deaths for every 100,000 of population in state \(s\) in a particular year \(t\). Let’s average that rate in each sate across all years.
table2 <- merge_data %>% filter(Mechanism == "Firearm") %>%
group_by(State) %>%
summarise(avg_aarate = mean(Age.Adjusted.Rate,na.rm = TRUE), n=n()) %>%
arrange(-avg_aarate) %>% # sort in decreasing order of avg_aarate
## # A tibble: 51 × 3
## State avg_aarate n
## <chr> <dbl> <int>
## 1 Louisiana 20.2 21
## 2 Alaska 19.9 21
## 3 Mississippi 19.7 21
## 4 Alabama 18.5 21
## 5 District of Columbia 18.1 21
## 6 Wyoming 17.9 21
## 7 New Mexico 17.2 21
## 8 Montana 17.1 21
## 9 Arkansas 17.0 21
## 10 Tennessee 16.2 21
## # ℹ 41 more rows
If you are working on replicating or extending some published work you should try and see whether your data are the same as the ones used in the publication you are working off. This is best done by matching your own summary statistics to those in the paper. The Siegel et al (2019) paper does not really have any descriptive statistic, but report some data for 2016 (their Table 2). They report, for that year an age adjusted homicide rate of 14.2 and an age adjusted suicide rate of 14.1 in Louisiana. Let’s look at our data for state state-year:
merge_data %>% filter(Year == 2016, State == "Louisiana") %>%
select(State, Year, Mechanism, Age.Adjusted.Rate)
## State Year Mechanism
## 1 Louisiana 2016 Drowning (includes water transport)
## 2 Louisiana 2016 Fall
## 3 Louisiana 2016 Other specified / NEC
## 4 Louisiana 2016 Transport, other land
## 5 Louisiana 2016 Machinery
## 6 Louisiana 2016 Cut/Pierce
## 7 Louisiana 2016 Transport, other (excl. drown by water transp)
## 8 Louisiana 2016 Non-Drug Poisoning
## 9 Louisiana 2016 Fire/Flame
## 10 Louisiana 2016 Firearm
## 11 Louisiana 2016 Drug Poisoning
## 12 Louisiana 2016 Pedestrian, other
## 13 Louisiana 2016 Struck by / against
## 14 Louisiana 2016 Other specified and classifiable
## 15 Louisiana 2016 Motor vehicle, traffic
## 16 Louisiana 2016 Natural/Environmental
## 17 Louisiana 2016 Hot object/Substance
## 18 Louisiana 2016 Suffocation
## 19 Louisiana 2016 Pedal cyclist, other
## 20 Louisiana 2016 Unspecified
## Age.Adjusted.Rate
## 1 2.57
## 2 6.45
## 3 0.72
## 4 0.50
## 5 0.22
## 6 0.78
## 7 0.36
## 8 1.25
## 9 1.31
## 10 21.20
## 11 21.91
## 12 0.50
## 13 0.37
## 14 0.75
## 15 17.08
## 16 0.63
## 17 NA
## 18 7.37
## 19 NA
## 20 3.19
You will realise that the data we obtained does not actually record whether a death was a suicide or homicide, but rather we have information on the mechanism of death. Of course a death by firearm could be either a homicide or a suicide. Therefore, we really do not have the data to replicate what they have actually done. Here we will proceed by working with the firearm data.
In the table above you can see that we have a value of 21.20 (per 100,000 population) firearm deaths in Louisiana for 2016. That is not the same as the 14.2 in the paper but we wouldn’t expect this as this doesn’t measure homicides. But most likely it is quite highly correlated and it is certainly, size wise in the same ballpark.
Let’s look at a few time-series plots of the data. Whenever you are working with data that have a time-series dimension you should do this as this will give the reader a better understanding of the data.
plot1data <- merge_data %>% filter(Mechanism == "Firearm") %>%
filter(State %in% c("Alabama","Tennessee","Maine", "New York"))
p1 <- ggplot(plot1data, aes( x = Year, y = Age.Adjusted.Rate, color = State)) +
geom_line() +
labs(title="Age Adjusted Death by Firearm Rates")
There clearly seems to be an upward trend in the number of firearm deaths after 2015, but for New York in this selection of States.
In this section we will prepare the information on gun control laws in a way that makes it useable in further regression analysis. We will also load more covariates into the dataset.
Late we wish to evaluate whether a particular gun control policy has
a causal effect. For instance consider universal background checks. We
can refer back to the law_data_codebook
to see which policy
codes are available. In fact there are two policy columns that relate to
universal background checks.
# the toString function makes the output easier to read. Try what happens if you don't use it
print(toString(law_data_codebook[law_data_codebook$Variable.Name == "universal","Detailed.Description.of.Provision"]))
## [1] "Both licensed dealers and private sellers must conduct background checks at point of purchase for all firearms. This may or may not include exemptions for buyers who have already undergone a background check for a concealed carry permit or other licensing requirements. Background checks must be explicitly required."
print(toString(law_data_codebook[law_data_codebook$Variable.Name == "universalh","Detailed.Description.of.Provision"]))
## [1] "Both licensed dealers and private sellers must conduct background checks at point of purchase for handguns. This may or may not include exemptions for buyers who have already undergone a background check for a concealed carry permit or other licensing requirements. Background checks must be explicitly required."
So the difference is that the universalh
policy only
covers handguns whereas universal
covers all firearms. We
shall create a new variable that combines these two. We will create a
new variable \(pol_{st}\) that takes
the value 1 if either of these two policies is in place in state \(s\) at time \(t\).
To make this happen with the tidyverse approach we have to indicate
to R, before calling the definition of the new variable
mutate(pol_ubc = max(universal,universalh))
that the max
here is an operation that should happen row-by-row
merge_data <- merge_data %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(pol_ubc = max(universal,universalh)) # universal background checks
Open the merge_data object to check that your operation actually did what it was meant to do.
A different policy to consider, as it was found to have significant effects in the Siegel et al. (2019) paper, is that of a ban for weapons for people who had violent misdemeanors on their records.
print(toString(law_data_codebook[law_data_codebook$Variable.Name == "violent","Detailed.Description.of.Provision"]))
## [1] "Law prohibits firearm possession by people who have committed violent misdemeanors punishable by less than one year of imprisonment. Simple assault misdemeanors must be included. Does not count if there is an explicit exemption for crimes punishable by less than one year of imprisonment."
print(toString(law_data_codebook[law_data_codebook$Variable.Name == "violenth","Detailed.Description.of.Provision"]))
## [1] "Law prohibits handgun possession by people who have committed violent misdemeanors punishable by less than one year of imprisonment. Simple assault misdemeanors must be included. Does not count if there is an explicit exemption for crimes punishable by less than one year of imprisonment."
print(toString(law_data_codebook[law_data_codebook$Variable.Name == "violentpartial","Detailed.Description.of.Provision"]))
## [1] "Law prohibits firearm possession by people who have committed violent misdemeanors punishable by more than one year of imprisonment."
As for universal background checks we set up a policy variable
merge_data <- merge_data %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(pol_vmisd = max(violent,violenth,violentpartial)) # universal background checks
In the Siegel et al. (2019) paper there was one policy which was
estimated to have a positive effect on firearm deaths. This policy was
labelled “Shall issue laws” and described as the “absence of any
discretion of law enforcement authorities in deciding whether to grant a
concealed carry permit”. When scanning the
it is not obvious which entry represents
this policy.
You search the dataframe with the following function which finds the
entries in
contains the word “shall”
## [133] FALSE FALSE
If R finds a cell which contains that word it will represent this with a “TRUE” in the results. There is none, so the word “shall” is not contained in any of the descriptions.
Re-read the above description and you will realise that it actually describes the absence of a policy to control who should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon. With that in mind scan the policies categorised as “Concealed carry permitting” policies. You will find a policy labelled “mayissue” (in line 77). The description is:
print(toString(law_data_codebook[law_data_codebook$Variable.Name == "mayissue","Detailed.Description.of.Provision"]))
## [1] "Law provides authorities with discretion in deciding whether to grant a concealed carry permit, or the law bans all concealed weapons."
Therefore it may well be that the policy in the Siegel et al. (2019)
paper is coded as the absence of that policy (we cannot really be
certain about this as the authors do not exactly describe this, although
we could investigate further as in their Table 1 they also provide
listings of states and number of policy changes). We could therefore
code it as 1-mayissue
. However, for now we just use
“mayissue” as a policy which has a potential firearm death reducing
effect (rather than an increasing effect of the absence of the
merge_data <- merge_data %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(pol_mayissue = mayissue) # universal background checks
There is a range of other policies that were all estimated to not have a policy impact. Of course the conclusion may change as we are looking at a different sample period.
Before we go to estimating models it is useful to figure out how much variation we can observe in the policy in the states. What we require for a difference-in-difference setup is variation in policy in at least one state. A good way to do that is to visualise the series of 0s and 1s for a particular policy across the states. This is not a standard visualisation task, so it is likely that you may wish to search the internet for advise on “R ggplot visualise elements of a matrix”. This admittedly already uses the a pre-conception that representing the 0s and 1s in a matrix is useful.
ggplot(merge_data, aes(x = Year, y = State)) +
geom_raster(aes(fill=pol_ubc)) +
scale_fill_gradient(low="grey90", high="red") +
labs(x="Year", y="State", title="Policy - Universal Background Check")
There are two important things you can see from here.
Let’s create the similar plot for the other two policies.
ggplot(merge_data, aes(x = Year, y = State)) +
geom_raster(aes(fill=pol_vmisd)) +
scale_fill_gradient(low="grey90", high="red") +
labs(x="Year", y="State", title="Policy - Violent Misdemeanors")
Here you can see that there is variation across states, but no variation in a state. This means that, with the given sample (only starting in 2000 due to the lack of earlier data for mechanisms of death), we cannot investigate the effectiveness of the violent misdemeanor policy. In the Siegel et al. (2019) paper they can investigate the policy as there is some variation between 1991 and 2000. Running the following code would demonstrate this (Result not shown here).
temp <- law_data
temp <- temp %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(pol_vmisd = max(violent,violenth,violentpartial)) # universal background checks
ggplot(temp, aes(x = Year, y = State)) +
geom_raster(aes(fill=pol_vmisd)) +
scale_fill_gradient(low="grey90", high="red") +
labs(x="Year", y="State", title="Policy -Violent Misdeameanor - 1991-2020")
Lastly for the mayissue
ggplot(merge_data, aes(x = Year, y = State)) +
geom_raster(aes(fill=pol_mayissue)) +
scale_fill_gradient(low="grey90", high="red") +
labs(x="Year", y="State", title="Policy - May Issue")
We can see that there is variation in the policy inside states and
therefore we can investigate the policy. The variation is of the type
that this policy existed at the beginning of the sample, but then was
withdrawn, e.g. Wisconsin or Alabama. In fact this may be the reason why
Siegel et al. (2019) used the reverse of this as a policy.
The Siegel et al. (2019) paper uses a number of extra covariates that can be used in the DiD regressions.
We will obtain the data where we can and then create datafiles with
State-Year observations such that we can merge them into the
dataframe. For this to work smoothly, each of
these datafiles should have a column called State
with the
name of the state and a column called Year
with the year.
The Spelling has to match this spelling.
Unemployment data are standard economic data and we can obtain them from FRED.
# note the skip = 1 to skip the first row, column headings are in row 2
# recall, always have a look at the original datafile
ur_data <- read.csv(paste0(datadir,"Unemployment Rate by State (Percent).csv"),skip = 1)
## Series.ID Region.Name Region.Code X01.01.2001 X01.02.2001 X01.03.2001
## 1 ALUR Alabama 1 4.7 4.8 4.8
## 2 AKUR Alaska 2 6.2 6.1 6.1
## 3 AZUR Arizona 4 4.0 4.1 4.2
## 4 ARUR Arkansas 5 4.3 4.4 4.5
## 5 CAUR California 6 4.8 4.8 4.9
## 6 COUR Colorado 8 2.7 2.8 2.9
## X01.04.2001
## 1 4.9
## 2 6.1
## 3 4.2
## 4 4.5
## 5 5.0
## 6 3.1
The data are actually monthly data. And they are not in the long format (i.e. one row for a state-month observation). So there are two things we need to do with this file. 1) we need to turn it into a long format and then we need to average the unemployment rate over years. Let’s start with turning this into a long format.
We start by removing the Series.ID
variable and the
and renaming the Region.Name
variable to State
ur_data <- ur_data %>% select(-Series.ID) %>% select(-Region.Code)
names(ur_data)[names(ur_data)=="Region.Name"] <- "State"
Now we use the pivot_longer
function to turn the wide
into a long dataset. The current column names (e.g. “X01.01.2001”) is
turned into values for the new variable Date
and the values
in the table are turned into a new variable ur
. The
variable is left as it is (!State
basically tells the function “Not State”, meaning do not do anything
with the sate variable).
It is unlikely that you will apply this function often enough to remember how this function works. You just need to know this function exists and then use the help function or examples on the internet to figure out what to do. And remember you cannot break the computer. Just try and test what does the job and what doesn’t.
ur_data_long <- ur_data %>% pivot_longer(!State, names_to = "Date", values_to = "ur")
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## State Date ur
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Alabama X01.01.2001 4.7
## 2 Alabama X01.02.2001 4.8
## 3 Alabama X01.03.2001 4.8
## 4 Alabama X01.04.2001 4.9
## 5 Alabama X01.05.2001 4.9
## 6 Alabama X01.06.2001 5
Step 1 is done. You can now see that in the date
we have the monthly dates. They all have an “X” at the beginning which
results from the fact that variable names in R have to start with a
letter and when the data were imported R added an “X” to the column
headings which were the dates. All we need from the dates is the year
which in the last four digits. So what we want to extract from the
column is the last four digits. This is not an
operation you come across very often and hence a web-search sounds like
the way to go here. Go to your favourite search engine and search for
something like “R extracting last characters”.
You may find different pieces of advice as there are many different
ways to achieve this. Here I adopt a method which uses the
function (Check out the help function by typing
into the console.)
ur_data_long$Year <- as.numeric(str_sub(ur_data_long$Date,-4))
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## State Date ur Year
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Alabama X01.01.2001 4.7 2001
## 2 Alabama X01.02.2001 4.8 2001
## 3 Alabama X01.03.2001 4.8 2001
## 4 Alabama X01.04.2001 4.9 2001
## 5 Alabama X01.05.2001 4.9 2001
## 6 Alabama X01.06.2001 5 2001
As you can see, this has now created a Year
column. All
we got to do now is to calculate an average unemployment rate for each
state in each year.
ur_data_long <- ur_data_long %>% group_by(State, Year) %>%
summarise(ur = mean(ur))
Let’s plot some data to confirm that we have obtained sensible data.
plot1ur <- ur_data_long %>%
filter(State %in% c("Alabama","Tennessee","Maine", "New York"))
p2 <- ggplot(plot1ur, aes( x = Year, y = ur, color = State)) +
geom_line() +
labs(title="Unemployment rate")
This plot looks reasonable showing unemployment rate peaks in the
aftermath of the financial crisis and Covid. ur_data_long
is now ready to be merged with merge_data
merge_data <- merge(merge_data,ur_data_long, all.x = TRUE)
The F.B.I. has a Crime Data Explorer and in there you can find a number of crime related data, amongst others the Law Enforcement Employees Data which provides a detailed breakdown of law enforcement employees for very small geographies like cities. As the datafile contains state information we can aggregate these to state level data.
The data are saved in “law enforcement employees FBIdata_1960_2022.csv”.
officers_data <- read.csv(paste0(datadir,"law enforcement employees FBIdata_1960_2022.csv"))
Have a look at the spreadsheet to get an idea of the data. There are more than 700,000 rows of data. One row represents the information for one agency in a particular year. But when inspecting the datafile you would have seen that there are lots of agencies.
Let’s have a look at one particular row of data to get a feel for the data.
## data_year pub_agency_name state_abbr county_name agency_type_name
## 99 2021 LaFayette AL CHAMBERS City
## total_pe_ct pe_ct_per_1000
## 99 12 4.2
Let’s start by changing the names of the State and Year variables.
names(officers_data)[names(officers_data)=="data_year"] <- "Year"
names(officers_data)[names(officers_data)=="state_abbr"] <- "State_code"
As we need the number of officers in a state in one year we need to aggregate over all agencies in a particular year in a state. We also restrict our attention to years 2001 onwards.
officers_data_agg <- officers_data %>% filter(Year >= 2001) %>%
group_by(State_code, Year) %>%
summarise(law.officers = sum(total_pe_ct))
Let’s look at the data to get a feel for the information in these data.
plot1off <- officers_data_agg %>% filter(State_code %in% c("AL","TN","ME", "WV"))
p2 <- ggplot(plot1off, aes( x = Year, y = law.officers, color = State_code)) +
geom_line() +
labs(title="Number of Law Enforcement Officers")
You can see that the data in officer_data_agg
absolute numbers and we will have to scale them to number of officers
per 100,000 population. We will do this after merging the data into
merge_data <- merge(merge_data,officers_data_agg, all.x = TRUE)
As it turns out that there are no officers data for West Virginia for
the years 2008 and 2014, it was important to add the option
all.x = TRUE
to ensure that these two years remain
preserved for 2008 and 2014 in the merged dataset. Without this option,
these two observations would be removed from the merge_data
Before continuing we shall scale this variable by the population to calculate how many law enforcement officers a state has per 100,000 population.
merge_data$law.officers.pc <- 100000*merge_data$law.officers/merge_data$Population
plot1off <- merge_data %>% filter(State_code %in% c("AL","TN","ME", "WV")) %>%
select(Year,law.officers.pc, State_code)
p2 <- ggplot(plot1off, aes( x = Year, y = law.officers.pc, color = State_code)) +
geom_line() +
labs(title="Number of Law Enforcement Officers (per 100,000 population)")
There are three things we learn from this figure.
From the F.B.I. website you can access the Data Discovery Tool which is an interface which gives you access for a range of data. There are four categories of violent crime, homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. Tick the last three and then download the data state by state for the years 2001 to 2021. (“add query” to add up to 5 states at a time, then submit, show the table and download; then reset query and chose the next 5 states).
While doing this for every state is a chore (although you can do it for 5 states at a time) it is ok as the resulting tables are all formatted identically and therefore it is fairly straightforward to get all data into one table.
In fact, when you download data like this, it may be wise to download more data than you now think you need. For instance you could download data back to 1991 (the Siegel sample) just in case you were to find the additional earlier years of firearm deaths. The data are available from “Violent crime excl homicide by State.xlsx”.
vcrime_data <- read_excel(paste0(datadir,"Violent crime excl homicide by State.xlsx"))
## # A tibble: 6 × 52
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2001 19203 3696 28275 12042 210661 15334 11387 4845 4845 129839 41073
## 2 2002 19628 3594 29784 11359 205993 15703 10723 4810 4810 127810 38665
## 3 2003 19032 3838 28197 12269 203144 15572 10933 5504 5504 123356 38778
## 4 2004 19070 4122 28538 13638 186783 16920 10013 5077 5077 122808 39604
## 5 2005 19304 4162 30033 14481 187675 18325 9437 5295 5295 125074 40161
## 6 2006 19171 4574 32923 15333 191997 18623 10368 5941 5941 128473 44149
## # ℹ 40 more variables: HI <dbl>, ID <dbl>, IL <dbl>, IN <dbl>, IA <dbl>,
## # KS <dbl>, KY <dbl>, LA <dbl>, ME <dbl>, MD <dbl>, MA <dbl>, MI <dbl>,
## # MN <dbl>, MS <dbl>, MO <dbl>, MT <dbl>, NE <dbl>, NV <dbl>, NH <dbl>,
## # NJ <dbl>, NM <dbl>, NY <dbl>, NC <dbl>, ND <dbl>, OH <dbl>, OK <dbl>,
## # OR <dbl>, PA <dbl>, RI <dbl>, SC <dbl>, SD <dbl>, TN <dbl>, TX <dbl>,
## # UT <dbl>, VT <dbl>, VA <dbl>, WA <dbl>, WV <dbl>, WI <dbl>, WY <dbl>
You can see that the data are not arranged in the format which we
need, i.e. one row for each State-Year. Rather we have years in rows and
states in columns. We shall again apply the pivot_longer
vcrime_data_long <- vcrime_data %>% pivot_longer(!Year, names_to = "State_code", values_to = "vcrime")
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## Year State_code vcrime
## <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 2001 AL 19203
## 2 2001 AK 3696
## 3 2001 AZ 28275
## 4 2001 AR 12042
## 5 2001 CA 210661
## 6 2001 CO 15334
These are now in the right format for merging. Again we have number
of crimes and we will want to transform it to a per 100,000 population
measure once we merged this number into merge_data
merge_data <- merge(merge_data,vcrime_data_long, all.x = TRUE)
Before continuing we shall scale this variable by the population to calculate how many law enforcement officers a state has per 100,000 population.
merge_data$vcrime.pc <- 100000*merge_data$vcrime/merge_data$Population
As exploring where to get the violent crime data we eventually also discovered a source for the homicide data as that was the fourth category of violent crime. With the same process (as for other violent crime) we can download the state by state homicide data. They have been collated in the “Homicide by State.xlsx” file.
homi_data <- read_excel(paste0(datadir,"Homicide by State.xlsx"))
## # A tibble: 6 × 52
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1991 469 42 291 264 3859 199 187 37 482 1248 849 45
## 2 1992 455 44 312 259 3921 216 166 32 443 1208 741 42
## 3 1993 484 54 339 247 4096 206 206 35 454 1224 789 45
## 4 1994 501 38 426 294 3703 199 215 33 399 1165 703 50
## 5 1995 475 55 439 259 3531 216 150 25 360 1037 683 56
## 6 1996 444 45 377 219 2916 180 158 31 397 1077 630 40
## # ℹ 39 more variables: ID <dbl>, IL <dbl>, IN <dbl>, IA <dbl>, KS <dbl>,
## # KY <dbl>, LA <dbl>, ME <dbl>, MD <dbl>, MA <dbl>, MI <dbl>, MN <dbl>,
## # MS <dbl>, MO <dbl>, MT <dbl>, NE <dbl>, NV <dbl>, NH <dbl>, NJ <dbl>,
## # NM <dbl>, NY <dbl>, NC <dbl>, ND <dbl>, OH <dbl>, OK <dbl>, OR <dbl>,
## # PA <dbl>, RI <dbl>, SC <dbl>, SD <dbl>, TN <dbl>, TX <dbl>, UT <dbl>,
## # VT <dbl>, VA <dbl>, WA <dbl>, WV <dbl>, WI <dbl>, WY <dbl>
As for the violent crime data we will go through the same process of
applying pivot_longer
, then merging with
and then calculating the homicide rate per
100,000 population.
homi_data_long <- homi_data %>% pivot_longer(!Year, names_to = "State_code", values_to = "homi")
merge_data <- merge(merge_data,homi_data_long, all.x = TRUE)
merge_data$homi.pc <- 100000*merge_data$homi/merge_data$Population
Do we now have the homicide data used in the Siegel et al (2019) paper. Let’s see what the value for Louisiana is in 2016. In the paper that was 14.2.
merge_data %>% filter(State == "Louisiana", Year == 2016) %>% select(State, Year, homi.pc) %>% unique()
## State Year homi.pc
## 1 Louisiana 2016 11.85556
As you can see the value is not exactly the same. The reason is that the data we got from the F.B.I. website are not age adjusted data (as are the data from the CDC). This means that in the later analysis we can either use the age adjusted firearm deaths data or the non-age adjusted homicide data. We could of course also attempt to apply the age adjustment procedure, but we will not do this here.
The Siegel paper indicates that two different sources were used to obtain a full set of data. One of the sources was the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. I therefore performed a web search for “National institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism state data” and was directed to Surveillance Report webpage which seemed to contain under Surveillance Report #120 exactly what was needed. Under that item there was a link to a datafile which seemed to contain exactly the information needed.
This is a text file (it is best opened with a basic text editor, in Windows there is one called Notepad, on a Mac there is one called TextEdit). At the beginning of the file you will see information on the variables contained in the file. Here we have converted this text file into a csv file (which you can achieve by copying and pasting the portions of the file that actually contain the data into Excel and then applying the “Text to columns” function).
alcc_data <- read.csv(paste0(datadir,"Alcohol consumption by US state.csv"))
## Year Type.of.beverage Gallons.of.beverage
## 1 1970 1 1 3863000
## 2 1970 1 2 1412000
## 3 1970 1 3 33098000
## 4 1970 1 4 .
## 5 1970 2 1 945000
## 6 1970 2 2 470000
## Gallons.of.ethanol..absolute.alcohol. Population..age.14.and.older.
## 1 1738350 2499000
## 2 225920 2499000
## 3 1489410 2499000
## 4 3453680 2499000
## 5 425250 205000
## 6 75200 205000
## Gallons.of.ethanol.per.capita.age.14.and.older
## 1 6956
## 2 904
## 3 5960
## 4 13820
## 5 20744
## 6 3668
## Decile.for.per.capita.consumption.age.14.and.older
## 1 9
## 2 9
## 3 10
## 4 10
## 5 1
## 6 2
## Population..age.21.and.older. Gallons.of.ethanol.per.capita.age.21.and.older
## 1 2020000 8606
## 2 2020000 1118
## 3 2020000 7373
## 4 2020000 17097
## 5 165000 25773
## 6 165000 4558
## Decile.for.per.capita.consumption.age.21.and.older
## 1 9 .
## 2 9 .
## 3 10 .
## 4 10 .
## 5 1 .
## 6 2 .
## 1 .
## 2 .
## 3 .
## 4 .
## 5 .
## 6 .
## Gallons.of.ethanol.derived.from.time.varying.ABV
## 1 .
## 2 .
## 3 .
## 4 .
## 5 .
## 6 .
You can see that here, the states are not indexed by their name, nor
by their two letter code, but rather by a number. So to be able to merge
this with the remaining data we need to introduce either the name or the
two letter code. At the top of the text file linked above you can see
which number relates to which state. This is a standard state numbering,
E.g. Wyoming is state 56, and this numbering was actually contained in
the US States dictionary we uploaded earlier under the
variable which was also merged into the
We adjust the state number variable in alcc_data
to the
name of the numeric code column in merge_data
such that we
can match on these.
names(alcc_data)[names(alcc_data)==""] <- "State_num_code"
Finally we should identify the variable which we want to merge into
. The Siegel et al. (2019) paper does not clearly
state which series was to use, but for now we use the variable called
and will
then rename this variable to alcc_pc
. Finally, upon
inspecting the dataframe you will see that for each State-Year there are
4 lines with observations for beverage types 1, 2, 3 and 4. The data
description in the earlier text file comes to help to identify
1:Spirits, 2: Wine, 3: Beer and 4: All beverages. We chose
Type.of.beverage == "4"
names(alcc_data)[names(alcc_data)=="Gallons.of.ethanol.per.capita.age.14.and.older"] <- "alcc.pc"
alcc_data <- alcc_data %>% filter(Type.of.beverage == "4") %>%
filter(Year >= 2001) %>%
select(State_num_code, Year, alcc.pc) %>%
mutate(alcc.pc = alcc.pc/10000) %>%
arrange(State_num_code, Year)
Note that we divided the alcc.pc variable by 10,000. As described in
the text file, this scales the variable to gallons per person. This file
is ready for merging to merge_data
merge_data <- merge(merge_data,alcc_data, all.x = TRUE)
The paper says that the data come from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics website. If we search for that we get to this website. Using the search function from that website you do fairly quickly find your way to annual reports like this one for 2021 from where you can download the data tables of the report, one of which is the table which lists the number of prisoners by state. However, having to find this table for all years is a rather burdensome endeavour. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the tables, across the years, have stayed in the same format and therefore collating a complete dataset in this way is unlikely to be straightforward.
On that page is a “Related Datsets” section and there is a link
labeled “National Archive of Criminal Justice Data’s (NACJD) 1978-2021”.
If you follow that link you get to this
website from where you can download a complete dataset. I downloaded
the ASCII version and converted that to a “csv” file which we can upload
here as “Incarceration data.csv”. The file has data organised in
State/Years by row. There are a lot (231) variables and as you download
the data you should also download the codebook which explains what the
variables are. From that document you can see that you can get
information on incarceration numbers by gender and length of maximum
sentence. There is a variable that gives the total number of person’s
incarcerated in a state at 31 December of any given year. This variable
is labelled CUSTTOT
. While the Siegel et al. (2019) paper
is unclear on what number they use this seems the most likely and we
will use it here.
# we also specify codes for missing data
incarceration_data <- read.csv(paste0(datadir,"Incarceration data.csv"),na.strings = c("-9" , "-8" , "-2" , "-1"))
Let’s look at a few plots to become familiar with the data
plot1inc <- incarceration_data %>%
filter(STATE %in% c("AL","TN","ME", "NY"))
p2 <- ggplot(plot1inc, aes( x = YEAR, y = CUSTOTT, color = STATE)) +
geom_line() +
labs(title="Incarceration Numbers")
As you can see from the plot, there are only data up to 1982. To investigate what is going on we shall look at data for one state, say Alabama (AL).
test <- incarceration_data %>% filter(STATE == "AL")
If you look at the resulting table you will realise that apparently
the variables that were collected changed between 1982 and 1983. In
particular, the breakdown by gender is only available from 1983 onwards.
The variables that may be of interest to us (after 1983) are
which capture the male and
female totals in custody. The sum of the two should then represent the
total number of people in custody. We therefore may now want to
calculate CUSTOTT
as the sum of these two for 1983
incarceration_data <- incarceration_data %>% mutate(CUSTOTT = case_when(
You should look at the dataset to confirm that we now have data in
column for all years. We can also confirm this
plot1inc <- incarceration_data %>%
filter(STATE %in% c("AL","TN","ME", "NY"))
p2 <- ggplot(plot1inc, aes( x = YEAR, y = CUSTOTT, color = STATE)) +
geom_line() +
labs(title="Incarceration Numbers")
This looks good and in particular we cannot see any obvious structural break between 1982 and 1983, giving us confidence that our calculation is sensible.
Now we extract the data we will need for our analysis and which we
will merge into our merge_data
incarceration_data <- incarceration_data %>% filter(YEAR >= 2001) %>%
Finally we will have to adjust the column names for the state code
and the year to match those in merge_data
to facilitate the
merging process. We also change the name of the CUSTOTT
names(incarceration_data)[names(incarceration_data)=="YEAR"] <- "Year"
names(incarceration_data)[names(incarceration_data)=="STATE"] <- "State_code"
names(incarceration_data)[names(incarceration_data)=="CUSTOTT"] <- "incarc"
As you can see these are the total number of person incarcerated. We
will want to scale this to a number like person per 100,000 population.
We can do that after merging as merge_data
contains a
variable which contains the size of the population in a state in a
particular year.
merge_data <- merge(merge_data,incarceration_data, all.x = TRUE)
We now scale the variable to represent the number of people incarcerated for every 100,000.
merge_data$incarc.pc <- 100000*merge_data$incarc/merge_data$Population
A variable that is used in the paper is the age structure of a state’s population. In the Siegel et al. (2019) paper you will find that they use a variable called “Percent male among population ages 15-29”. We shall attempt to use a different variable “Proportion of 18-24 year olds in the population”. You will see below that adding this data to our datasets require a bit of work. With enough work we could add the data used in the paper, but for today’s exercise we will make our life a little easier.
We shall import a new datafile that contains some of that information. The data are sourced from the StatsAmerica website. The “US states population age and sex.csv” file should be saved into your working folder.
## 'data.frame': 63882 obs. of 17 variables:
## $ IBRC_Geo_ID : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## $ Statefips : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## $ Countyfips : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## $ Description : Factor w/ 3197 levels "Abbeville County, SC",..: 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 ...
## $ Year : int 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ...
## $ Total.Population : int 282162411 284968955 287625193 290107933 292805298 295516599 298379912 301231207 304093966 306771529 ...
## $ Population.0.4 : int 19178293 19298217 19429192 19592446 19785885 19917400 19938883 20125962 20271127 20244518 ...
## $ Population.5.17 : int 53197896 53372958 53507265 53508312 53511850 53606269 53818831 53893443 53833475 53889649 ...
## $ Population.18.24 : int 27315274 27992652 28480708 28916746 29302179 29441546 29602839 29808025 30194274 30530346 ...
## $ Population.25.44 : int 84973340 84523274 83990295 83398001 83066831 82764185 82638980 82509693 82399959 82211153 ...
## $ Population.45.64 : int 62428040 64491563 66695526 68828899 70935234 73137401 75216272 77068373 78617510 80272688 ...
## $ Population.65. : int 35069568 35290291 35522207 35863529 36203319 36649798 37164107 37825711 38777621 39623175 ...
## $ Population.Under.18: int 72376189 72671175 72936457 73100758 73297735 73523669 73757714 74019405 74104602 74134167 ...
## $ Population.18.54 : int 150287588 151902194 152463197 153134701 153998940 154701635 155527978 156257657 157054680 157608587 ...
## $ Population.55. : int 59498634 60395586 62225539 63872474 65508623 67291295 69094220 70954145 72934684 75028775 ...
## $ Male.Population : int 138443407 139891492 141230559 142428897 143828012 145197078 146647265 148064854 149489951 150807454 ...
## $ Female.Population : int 143719004 145077463 146394634 147679036 148977286 150319521 151732647 153166353 154604015 155964075 ...
This file has 63882 rows. How many would you have expected if there were 51 states and 21 years for each state? 1,071 rows. The spreadsheet includes data for every county and not only for the whole state of Alabama. For instance you see that some rows have in the description column only the name of a state and others have the name of a county. To illustrate this look at the following snippet from the data table:
## IBRC_Geo_ID Statefips Countyfips Description Year Total.Population
## 1979 4000 4 0 Arizona 2018 7158024
## 1980 4000 4 0 Arizona 2019 7278717
## 1981 4001 4 1 Apache County, AZ 2000 69507
## 1982 4001 4 1 Apache County, AZ 2001 67863
## Population.0.4 Population.5.17 Population.18.24 Population.25.44
## 1979 432798 1204802 686858 1863583
## 1980 429788 1210448 693844 1903120
## 1981 6281 20398 6601 17384
## 1982 5821 19498 6530 16785
## Population.45.64 Population.65. Population.Under.18 Population.18.54
## 1979 1713811 1256172 1637600 3399827
## 1980 1732884 1308633 1640236 3449054
## 1981 13070 5773 26679 31663
## 1982 13312 5917 25319 31174
## Population.55. Male.Population Female.Population
## 1979 2120597 3560169 3604059
## 1980 2189427 3622802 3669041
## 1981 11165 34441 35066
## 1982 11370 33725 34138
Note that in lines 1979 and 1980 we are having data for the whole
state of Arizona and in lines 1981 and 1982 you find data for Apache
County (in Arizona). We only want statewide data. In the above snippet
you can see that there is a variable called Countyfips
which is a numerical code for the different counties. The statewide data
have a value of 0 in the Countyfips
variable. You should
confirm (by looking at the data) that this is true for the other states
as well.
One additional aspect of the data is that you will see that
population data are only available from 2000 to 2019. This is not
aligned with the 2001 to 2021 date range in data
. The
common years are 2001 to 2019 and therefore we should expect to get 969
(=51*19) observations which we can match.
Let us first filter out the statewide data and remove the county level data.
data_pop <- data_pop %>% filter(Countyfips == 0) # we only keep data with Countyfips equal to 0
You will notice that this dataframe now has
rows of data. This is still too many rows.
Let’s look at the different geographies in our dataset.
## [1] U.S. Alabama Alaska
## [4] Arizona Arkansas California
## [7] Colorado Connecticut Delaware
## [10] District of Columbia Florida Georgia
## [13] Hawaii Idaho Illinois
## [16] Indiana Iowa Kansas
## [19] Kentucky Louisiana Maine
## [22] Maryland Massachusetts Michigan
## [25] Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
## [28] Montana Nebraska Nevada
## [31] New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico
## [34] New York North Carolina North Dakota
## [37] Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
## [40] Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
## [43] South Dakota Tennessee Texas
## [46] Utah Vermont Virginia
## [49] Washington West Virginia Wisconsin
## [52] Wyoming Puerto Rico
## 3197 Levels: Abbeville County, SC Acadia Parish, LA ... Ziebach County, SD
You will immediately see that there are also observations for the
entire U.S.. So, let’s extract the data that are from states and years
which are also represented in merge_data
, our original
dataset. Complete the following code for this task.
You got it right if data_pop
has 969 observations and
you can replicate the following table:
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 494657 1651059 4219239 6041273 6859789 39512223
Let’s look at the variables that are contained in this datafile.
## [1] "IBRC_Geo_ID" "Statefips" "Countyfips"
## [4] "Description" "Year" "Total.Population"
## [7] "Population.0.4" "Population.5.17" "Population.18.24"
## [10] "Population.25.44" "Population.45.64" "Population.65."
## [13] "Population.Under.18" "Population.18.54" "Population.55."
## [16] "Male.Population" "Female.Population"
We shall not merge all of these variables into data
only what we want, namely the “Proportion of 18-24 year olds in the
population”. That is actually not one of the variables in the list.
There is the population between 18 and 24
) and the overall population
) and we can calculate the proportion we
need as a new variable, prop18.24
. Complete the following
You get it right if you can replicate these summary statistics for the new variable.
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 7.955 9.463 9.867 9.944 10.282 14.385
Now we select only the variables we wish to merge into
, namely only prop18.24
. However, in order
to merge the data into data
we also need the year
) and state name (Description
data_pop <- data_pop %>% select(Year, Description, prop18.24)
It is easiest to merge datafiles if the variables on which we want to
match (state name and Year) are called the same in both datasets
and data_pop
). This is true for
the Year
variable, but not for the state name
in merge_data
in data_pop
). Let’s fix that and
change the state variable name in data_pop
names(data_pop)[names(data_pop)=="Description"] <- "State"
Now we are in a position to merge the two datafiles.
merge_data <- merge(merge_data,data_pop, all.x = TRUE)
As result your datafile has gained one variable,
We have now assembled all the data. Recall that at this stage we still have all the mechanisms of death in the dataset. That means that for every year state we still have up to 21 observations. Let’s racall the different mechanisms of death.
## [1] "Unspecified"
## [2] "Firearm"
## [3] "Pedal cyclist, other"
## [4] "Motor vehicle, traffic"
## [5] "Drug Poisoning"
## [6] "Fall"
## [7] "Cut/Pierce"
## [8] "Hot object/Substance"
## [9] "Struck by / against"
## [10] "Other specified and classifiable"
## [11] "Fire/Flame"
## [12] "Machinery"
## [13] "Natural/Environmental"
## [14] "Other specified / NEC"
## [15] "Suffocation"
## [16] "Drowning (includes water transport)"
## [17] "Pedestrian, other"
## [18] "Transport, other (excl. drown by water transp)"
## [19] "Non-Drug Poisoning"
## [20] "Transport, other land"
## [21] "Overexertion"
At this stage we will extract only the firearm
data and
continue working with these.
data3 <- merge_data %>% filter(Mechanism == "Firearm")
As expected we get \(51 8 21 =
1071\) observations. Let us also rename the variable
which contains the age adjusted rate of
firearm deaths (per 100,000). The new name will be
names(data3)[names(data3)=="Age.Adjusted.Rate"] <- "firearm.deaths.pc"
The datafile also has loads of variables. You can check the whole
list with names(data3)
. In principle there is no problem
with keeping them all in the datafile as there are not that many
observations that the memory in your computer would be challenged. But
sometimes it is nicer to work with a compact dataset. For this reason we
will select the variables we are likely to use in further analysis.
data3 <- data3 %>% select(Year, State, State_code, State_num_code, Population, firearm.deaths.pc, Region, pol_ubc, pol_vmisd, pol_mayissue, ur, law.officers.pc,vcrime.pc, homi.pc, alcc.pc, incarc.pc,prop18.24)
Now we have a dataset with 1,071 rows and 17 variables. Let us save this into a csv file such that for further work we can just start with that new csv file.
write.csv(data3,paste0(datadir,"US Gun_example_v3.csv"))